Presentation of the project

This large-scale project led by the CCAV (French-Armenian Cultural Center of Valence, France), is initiated by the AGEFAV (Management Association of the Future School). The school will be named after the main benefactor Kevork Arabian.

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Mr Kevork Arabian, in Valence (december 2018)

The current building of the Cultural Center, dating from the beginning of the XXth century, does not meet the standards of health security and specific to the daily reception of pupils.

After a call for tender, the architectural firms of Mr. and Mrs. Colomb and Mr. Bedrossian were selected to carry out the development work, restoration and extension of the existing structure:

  • Restoration of the existing building
  • The partial enlargement of the property
  • The layout of outdoor spaces

All the premises will host:

  • On the ground floor: a nursery school (3 classrooms), as well as the Cultural Center's premises
  • On the 1st floor: an elementary school (5 classrooms)

Each school will of course include the necessary annexes and pedagogical premises.

The AGEFAV Association, which will take care of the management of the future school, already provides its moral, human, material support and resources to the CCAV. In addition, the APCAF (Association for the Promotion of Armenian Culture in France) also provides moral support.

The schools will have to be a landmark for the Armenian community of Valence and a place of learning for children, as well as a space for conviviality for various cultural partnerships.

The whole team is counting on you to support the French-Armenian school of Valence, France ! The only Armenian School opening in diaspora !


Why such a project ?

Today's buildings date from the early 20th century and do not meet the needs of a daily school and the standards required for such a structure.

This rehabilitation project will allow:

  1. The opening of a trilingual school of excellencewith an innovative pedagogy
  2. The influence of Valence city throughout the region as a pilot city
  3. new energy in the Armenian community of Valenceand the surrounding areas
  4. The daily teaching of Armenian language, history and culture ...
  5. ... while strictly following the programs of the French National Education
  6. The learning of interpersonal skills based on our French republican values
  7. A multipurpose and more modern space for cultural activitiesnext to the school

This French-Armenian school will not only bring a new energy to the Armenian community of Valence but will also make Valence city shine at the national level, particularly through its ambitious and innovative pedagogy.


What will your donation be used for ?

Each euro counts !
Let's all play our part by contributing in building the school !

All your donations will be used for the rehabilitation and extension of the buildings, to make it a school of excellence for the benefit of all young people in the community. If you are a French tax payer, a 'CERFA' receipt entitling you to a tax deduction of 66% will be sent to you by email after validating your donation.

The accounts of the CCAV are monitored by an accounting firm.

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From left to right : Kevork Arabian (Main benefactor), Archbishop Norvan Zakarian (co-president of CCAV), Raffi Bedrossian (architect), André Hasbanian (co-president of CCAV)

Our team

The founding members of the project are :

  • Archbishop Norvan Zakarian (CCAV) : has always been at the origin of many structuring projects for the Armenian community of France (St. Mary Church of Issy les Moulineaux, Markarian-Papazian School of Lyon, Kevork Arabian College of Alfortville etc ...), he is today the president of the Association for the Promotion of Armenian Culture in France (APCAF) and co-President of the CCAV for this project.
  • Mr. André Hasbanian (CCAV) : serial entrepreneur of renown, he has always worked for the Armenian community of Valence, he coordinates the CCAV activities related to the construction / renovation of the building and the financing part. He is co-President of the CCAV for this project.
  • R.F. Antranik Maldjian : Ordained priest of Saint Sahag church of Valence in 1999, since then he is the Director of the Tavitian weekly Armenian school. He provides his support, his energy and his knowledge of the local community to the 2 groups involved in this project, the CCAV and the AGEFAV.
  • Mr. Hampig Osipian (CCAV and AGEFAV) : 29 years old, bilingual French-Armenian, Doctor in Physics and anxious for the future of the Armenian language in Diaspora, he gathered around him 4 other young people during summer 2015 to create a French-Armenian school in Valence. He is now President of the AGEFAV and secretary of the CCAV.
  • Ms. Charig Osipian (AGEFAV) : 31 years old, bilingual French-Armenian, graduate of Skema Business School, commercial in events, she brings her commercial expertise and negotiation skills to the project. She is now Treasurer of AGEFAV.
  • Ms. Tamar Siranousian (AGEFAV) : 29 years old, bilingual French-Armenian, Jurist in Business Law at Bpifrance in direct relationship with banking partners, she advises the members for their legal decisions. She is now Secretary of AGEFAV.
  • Mr. Stéphane Hamalian (AGEFAV) : 28 years old, bilingual French-Armenian, journalist for parliamentary channels and information on TV, he manages all the multimedia and communication of the project. He is now Deputy Secretary of AGEFAV.
  • Ms. Marie-Ange Siranousian (AGEFAV) : 32 years old, bilingual French-Armenian, graduated from Toulouse Business School, marketing professional in the cosmetics industry, she brings her management skills and coordinates the activities of the project. She is now Vice-President of AGEFAV.

Let's make history together, the story of the founders of the French-Armenian school of Valence, France!The only Armenian School opening in diaspora !
Share the project with your friends and relatives!
It is thanks to all of you that this beautiful project will see the light of day ...